Thursday, October 7, 2010

What a Trooper!

Unfortunately, Allison's recent 6-month checkup didn't go so smoothly. The dentist found 3 cavities in the upper right/left and lower left molars. He actually asked if she had lots of fevers as an infant because the teeth buds didn't seem to be very strong. I can't say that she did, but either way, the problem exists.
The other bummer is that each tooth had to be filled on a different day because of the amount of anesthesia needed in each part of her mouth. This means 3 separate appts, 3 separate shots of novacaine and 3 separate trips to In and Out or Jamba Juice as a treat to the patient!
Matt took her to the 1st appt. last week and after much anxiety and a few tears, she survived the multiple shots of novacaine and soreness in her jaw. I really appreciated Matt taking her because I don't do well with teeth myself and wasn't sure I could be the "rock" she might need! I think she felt safer having Matt there and she came home with a smile on her face and a vanilla shake!
I took her to today's appt. and she did great! She knew what to expect this time and continues to surprise me with her bravery. As much as I hate seeing her have to go through it, I'm glad it is her and not Taylor...not sure we could get Taylor through the office door! Today, Allison came home with a numb lower lip and a Mango-a-Go-Go Jamba Juice and is ready to get the 3rd appt out of the way next week...