Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Our beautiful pirates were ready to get the night underway. We ate our traditional chili and cornbread dinner and got our annual visit from Chip and Teresa.
They always spoil the girls with yummy Halloween treats! Then we headed to Hank and Leslie's to Trick-r-Treat. Pippy Longstockings greeted us at the door. Unfortunately for Matt, Hank borrowed costumes from a neighbor for the dads to wear. Matt hesistantly chose this lovely gecko number, but was a very good sport.
Michael was just as surprised when he arrived, but went along with it and put on this Wolverine costume. The 3 dads sure made the kids happy and gave us all a great laugh! I'm just worried about what Hank will have in store for the moms next year! It was finally dark enough and the kids were so excited to head out. Dominic could hardly contain himself, but was patient long enough to get photos of these great costumes.
What a colorful bunch!
My Mom was visiting for the weekend (somehow, I didn't get a single picture), but she stayed at the Lebitski's to pass out candy and watch the World Series. The rest of us headed out to fill candy bags and check out the haunted house we visited last year.
Dominic went to the first two houses and said "I'm not very done yet. My bag isn't to the top." It was so cute so we continued through several neighborhoods trying to meet his goal! There were lots of great houses...several firepits in the driveways, scary decorations on porches, a house giving out full-sized candy bars and an amazing haunted house that went through the garage and backyard.
After about 2 hours of door-to-door candy hunting, we headed back to the house to find a happy Grandma (Giants won 4-0), ate some spider snacks, drank some apple cider and most importantly, sorted through the goodies.
Everyone had their favorites and worked hard on trades. Emily tried to get all of the Twix, Lauren wanted all of the Reese's cups and I got all of the Almond Joys and Laffy Taffy's!
Unfortunately, tomorrow is a school day so we couldn't stay too late. Another successful Halloween with great friends and lots of candy to satisy our sweet tooth for the next several weeks!