Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rose Bowl Flea Market

With all of our crazy schedules, the annual October Birthday Bash just couldn't be made a reality, but Lisa had a great idea...have a girly day at the Rose Bowl Flea Market instead! It was a good meeting place for each of us to drive from Carlsbad, Orange County, Valencia and Temecula. However, it meant leaving at 6:30am to get early admission at 8:00. The main parking area was already packed when I arrived!

Lisa, cart in tow, made the first purchase...2 gorgeous, oversized pillows for $40. She was so excited and probably had 10 people compliment them as we walked around.
I loved this sign at the pillow shop, "Your husband called and said you could buy anything you want!"

Shannon, Kim and Lisa searching through tables of linens.

Although it was a very warm day, it was great getting together and we all walked away with at least one purchase. I found some fun 45 records ($0.25 each) to use as decorations for Taylor's upcoming Bday party. Kim bought some pretty linens and Lisa scored on the pillows. Shannon got a fun kid's guitar for her son. Happy October/November Birthdays!