Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Domestic Diva

On Monday, Taylor started her new 9 week elective, Home Economics. She absolutely loves Ms. Butler and has spent the 1st week learning about doing the laundry...all with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! Tonight's homework...sort, wash, dry, fold and put away 3 loads of laundry. I LOVE THIS CLASS TOO!
My little "know-it-all" thinks she has it all figured out, quizzing me on my laundry knowledge:
"Do you know you have to turn jeans inside out to make them hold their color longer?"
"How do you get an ink stain out of clothes? -Hairspray!"
"What about blood?- Cold water and detergent!"
"How do you sanitize the washing machine?- Chlorine bleach"
In the coming weeks, she will learn how to sew, cook/bake and raise an egg baby. I'm sure this class will be more valuable than anything else she learns in middle school! I just can't wait for new curtains and dinner on the table! Matt's hoping she learns how to mow the lawn and clean the pool, too!