Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tournament of Champions

This weekend was our final soccer tournament in Palm Desert, the Tournament of Champions. The team earned a place after our great finish at the President's Cup. We were on the road early Saturday morning and went straight to Palm Desert Sports Park to get ready for game #1 against Victorville. Coach Charlie bought some eye black which made the girls look extra tough! They loved it.

Our team started off very flat. They were missing easy kicks, weren't talking to each other and we were down 2-0 at half time. After a half time pep talk and some liquids (it was a hot 82 degrees), we came out fighting and scored before the whistle blew. Unfortunately we lost 2-1.

Although the team wanted to stay and watch some other teams play in between our games, we thought it best to check in to the hotel, get some lunch and take a break from the sun. Soon enough everyone met back at the field and got ready for game #2 against our other TVSA team. Our girls have been scrimmaging them each week during practice, but this was our 1st real game against them. Taylor and Emily each scored a goal and we won 2-0.

Dinner at Red Robin

The families had enough time to freshen up at the hotel and then we met at Red Robin for dinner for 50 of us. It was a lot of fun for the parents and girls. It was one of the few times we get to see the players out of uniform. Coach didn't want them swimming at the pool and wasting their energy for the morning game, so the girls all met up in Maylie's room for snacks, some dance party and girly time. Lights out at 9:00 (except for some Dad's who visited Yard House until after midnight). Matt was sure tired this morning when the alarm went off at 5:50!

Coach Charlie sneeks in the picture w/ Maylie, Emily and Taylor

Quick dessert at Golden Spoon

6:30 breakfast before heading to the field

Our hotel served continental breakfast which opened just as we were heading to the field. We filled our bellies and headed to the field for our battle against Colton. We faced Colton in the President's Cup and tied 2-2. We knew going into this game that we had to win at least 2-0 to advance to the championship game. It would be our toughest game yet. They are a very physical team and play tough. Colton scored in the 1st quarter and you could see disappointment on our girls' faces. We told them to not worry about the championship, but to try their best to win this game. Alexa scored for our team and we were tied. Colton scored again and with less than a minute left, Alexa scored another. You would have thought our team won the whole tournament. Our sidelines were going crazy. The whistle blew and we were so proud to say we tied Colton again 2-2. Although we didn't make it to the final game, we couldn't have asked for more from our girls. Coach presented each of them with a tournament dog tag, praised them all and looks forward to seeing them on the field this spring.

Coach presents Taylor with her dog tag

It was an extra special week because my parents drove down to watch with us. It was nice having them at the field, staying at our hotel and enjoying a few visits over lunch and dinner. Thank you for coming.
Lunch with Grandma and Papa

Desert view from the Palms to Pines freeway