Saturday, February 7, 2009

Final Goodbye!

The dads get ready to hide the balls up in the orchard.
The girls take their seats in the theater room.

We just can't seem to say goodbye to this soccer season, but today was our final event-the team party. Michael and Lisa were kind enough to open up their home and we brought up all of the food from Rosa's Tortilla Factory. Yummy! After lunch, Michael surprised each of the girls with their very own soccer ball, but there was a catch. The dads signed their daughters' ball and then ventured into the avocado orchard to hide it (soccer version of an egg hunt). Once all of the balls were in place, we let the girls out to go find their own ball. It was a really cute game and a fun way to include all of the dads. There were several other soccer prizes to give away so the girls took part in soccer drill competitions and a hula hoop contest. We didn't let the misty weather stop us.Hula Hoop Showdown
Then it was off to the theater room to watch the DVD Mary put together of the entire season. It was actually quite emotional, especially when the song Time of your Life was playing. Charlie called each girl up to get a framed photo and copy of the DVD and to say a few nice things about them. He also presented me with a frame of the girls and a Golden Spoon gift card as a thank you for being team mom. The girls shyly gave Charlie his gifts which included a framed collage, a personalized duffle bag and a book of photos. He was overwhelmed!
Cupcakes and carrot cake made for yummy dessert and the kids said their final goodbyes. We hope to see many of them this spring and will cherish all of the memories.
Look at the size of that cupcake!

Thanks Coach Charlie!