Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Tonight Matt was telling the girls about the time he stole a Trapper Keeper from the local drug store. He told his Mom he had gotten it from his teacher, but of course, Mom knew better. She pretended to call his teacher, which made him cave and admit he had stolen it. His Dad drove him to the drugstore, made him tell the manager what he had done and return it.
The girls were asking "What is a trapper keeper." I chimed in saying that it was a yellow folder with sports characters on the front. Boy was I wrong!
Matt couldn't believe my ignorance. "That's not a Trapper Keeper! That's a Pee Chee Folder!"
"A what?", I asked. With such disgust in his voice, he proceeded to tell me "A trapper keeper was a three-ring binder with a velcro flap. It also had pockets inside and was solid colored. A Pee Chee Folder was a yellow folder with sports guys on the front. Google it and see what I mean."
Just in case you were wondering.....

This is a Trapper Keeper.

This is a Pee Chee Folder.

Does it bring you back?