Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Seattle, WA

After months of planning and anticipation we finally arrived in Seattle to start our vacation and to help my parents celebrate their 40th wedding Anniversary. We decided to spend a few days in Seattle before boarding the cruise ship on Saturday. We arrived to gorgeous weather and had a great time exploring the city!

The beautiful Seattle skyline

The Space Needle

Mount Rainier

Safeco Field and Qwest Field along the 5 Freeway

The first Starbuck's (established in 1971). There was a line out the door everytime we walked by, even though their is another Starbuck's right around the corner!

While talking to the hotel concierge, he told us we had to check out the "Gum Wall", the 2nd germiest place in the world. It was actually pretty cool...years and years of chewed gum plastered to an alley wall.

We all made a contribution too!