Monday, April 18, 2011

Temecula Indian Diarama

Matt is definetely the "Project Guy" at this house, so when Allison brought this project home before Spring Break, it was handed straight to him. He has the creative mind to do this kind of thing.
3rd grade is studying the Temecula Indians and were asked to make either a poster or a diarama representing life in Temecula during the time of the indians. Allison gathered some items from nature and they made a trip to Michael's to get a few things too.
An egg carton was used to make a kish, garbanzo beans were used for acorns, small rocks lined the river and the fire pit and plastic animals were used for both the animals they ate (ducks and fish) and the horse they used for transportation. A drying rack and spear were cut from small vines and the grinding stone was made from playdoh. Each item was labeled with a hole-punch piece of white paper.
The box was decorated with pictures of baskets and tools used by the indians and the key was glued on the side. Matt hopes "his" project is the best in all of 3rd grade and Allison can't wait to show it off to her class today!