Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Postcards from my Travelers

I got these cute SF postcards from the kids today. They have had an amazing time at my Mom and Dad's house! They have been to an A's game, spent the day at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, played tennis and gone to the driving range. They had the "best meal of their life" in Chinatown with my brother and Aimee. They ate crab, calamari, shrimp and walnut prawns-not the typical foods for an 8 and 6 year old, but they loved it all. Thank you Uncle Chris and Aimee! Taylor said she got a seahorse kite and can't wait to fly it. Grandma and Papa also took them to see Kit Kittredge and they enjoyed a trip to the used bookstore with Grandma and a visit to Papa's gym and the track at San Ramon Valley High. Last night, they were treated to pizza and ice cream with Scott and Elizabeth and a fun time at the park. Can't wait to see pics of it all and can't wait to pick them up at the airport tomorrow afternoon.