Friday, August 29, 2008


Over the years I have been keeping a journal of funny stuff that comes out of Allison's mouth. She is the queen of one-liners! For instance on 8/8/07, the nightly news stated that the Beijing Olympics would start one year from that day, on 8/8/08. Allison chimes in "Oh yeah, I knew that. I read about it in the Bible. It had a whole page on China." Classic!

So last night, the girls and I were sitting in the family room and Taylor says, "Mom, did you know that at least one person dies every minute?" I respond with, "But someone is born every minute, too." And then from nowhere, Allison says "Yes, and there is a pharmacy closing every minute too." What?? Where does she come up with this stuff?
Here are a few of my other favorite Allie-isms:

  • Allison and I were walking through the mall and saw a worker fixing the escalator. He was sitting inside of it, covered in grease. Allison pointed right at him and said "Now, that's a dirty job!"

  • Last year she came running off the soccer field in the middle of the game shouting, "Daddy, feel how sweaty my armpits are."

  • When I picked Allison up from preschool, she said they learned about Adam and Eve. She said the snake asked Adam and Eve to eat the apple, but they weren't supposed to. God got mad and wouldn't let them back in the garden. I asked her where they went and she said "I think they moved to Mexico!"