Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nobody Gets a Shower

For the last few mornings, I have listened to the girls fight over who has to get in the shower first. I'm not quite sure why it matters, but it is another reason to fight, I guess. This morning was no different. As I was folding laundry downstairs, I heard Taylor and Allison go back and forth about why the other should have to get in first. Allison said "I got in first yesterday!" and Taylor responds with "It doesn't matter-just get in". After several minutes of listening to this, I yell upstairs "OK fine, nobody gets a shower!". I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, but that was the only thing that came to mind. I heard Taylor say "What? Fine, I will get in first". However I stuck to my guns and made them both get dressed without a shower. I think I made Allison's day, but Taylor couldn't believe it as she struggled to wet her hair with the spray bottle and battle to get the knots out. Hopefully, that will be the last time I hear fighting on this issue! I'm sure there will be a new battle tomorrow.