Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School!!

We can't believe the day is already here-the first day of school. We are excited about great teachers, great friends and fun activities.
Taylor, our 4th grader
Allison, our 1st grader
I felt bad not being able to stay with Taylor at her classroom, but she knows Mrs. Atkinson very well and has so many of her friends in her class. I walked Allison to Room 16 and got her all situated. Their 1st activity was to draw a picture of themselves as they look today. She was just excited to have her own desk-no more circle tables! I told her to have a great day and I will meet them by the flag pole after school. I am off to have coffee with Lisa as she cries over Dominic's 1st day of preschool. They grow up too fast!