Wednesday, December 19, 2012

TrailDazzler's Holiday Show

Chorus has been a little bit of an emotional roller coaster this fall.  Although Allison wanted to try out for a special part, we knew it would conflict with her community theater play practice, so she didn't try out.  All but a few 5th graders had special roles, which she struggled with.
 However, Mrs. McBride let Allison be the unofficial "stagehand" which brought a smile to her face.  This morning was the 2nd of 3 shows and I was able to attend.
 Allison with her chimney sweeper friends, Faith and Lorien.
 The chorus performers sang songs about Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa.  There were angels and elves and even a visit from Santa and a snowman.
Mrs. McBride and all of the TrailDazzlers work incredibly hard and the show never disappoints. The students seemed to love it too and Allison can't wait to audition for the spring performance!