Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

We spent the first week of Christmas break up in Danville.  Unfortunately, Chris and his family were in Florida so we didn't get to see them. 
 On Christmas Eve, we attended afternoon mass.

 We ate a delicious Italian dinner when we got home and got everything ready for Santa's arrival.
 The presents were all ready under the tree and the girls were anxious to open one on Christmas Eve night.
 Allison got American Girl ice skates
 and Taylor got new pajama bottoms.
 The girls made put out the reindeer food in the front yard
and left plenty of carrots for them too!  Santa got lots of cookies and a glass of milk and Allison attached a note that said "9 carrots for the reindeer.  The rest of them are for you. Love, Allie & Taylor".
She even put the Santa key on the front porch and said she was up most of the night listening for him!