Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Poor Max

Max has had a cyst growing on her neck for about a year.  The vet has told us to have it removed for months now, but we have been debating because of her age (almost 15).  Eventually, the cyst has been growing much faster and we were worried it might eventually start leaking, so I scheduled the surgery.
The vet was shocked to see how strong she is for almost 15, her blood panel game back nearly perfect and she did great during surgery.  When we finally picked her up after her long day at the vet, she looked so pathetic with her cone and very weak legs as she was coming out of anesthesia.
It was a LONG first night home!  She cried and whined until 2:00am.  Matt and I took turns laying with her until she finally calmed down and has done great since.  We go back to the vet next Friday to have the stitches removed and she will be good to go...probably living until 17!