Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kohl's Cares

Madison's Grandma, Gracie, is the sweetest lady and we have gotten to know her on the soccer field sideline.  She is also a supervisor at Kohl's and gave Taylor and a few friends the opportunity to earn their CJSF volunteer hours working a few nights this month.
Kohl's partnered with the Assistance League and gave local families who are struggling a chance to get some new school clothes and backpacks for their kids.  The girls helped at the register by taking off the security tags and bagging items, as well as reorganizing the shelves and cleaning up at the end of each event.
Both Gracie and the Assistance League volunteers praised the girls for their hard work and hope they will continue volunteering with them.  And who knows...maybe it can even lead to Taylor's first real job!