Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's Official...

The girls couldn't be more excited! Tonight was the Ice Cream Social and Meet the Teacher event at school. There seems to be so much anxiety leading up to this night. Who will the girls' teacher be and what friends will they have in their classes? Well, we finally got our answers tonight.

Taylor is thrilled to have Mrs. Atkinson for a 3rd time. She has been blessed to have her for 2nd and 4th grade and now gets to spend her last elementary year with her for 5th. It will actually be a 4th/5th combo class with a lot of very strong students. She has several friends from both grade levels in her class and she is excited to get 5th grade underway. I, on the other hand, will certainly cherish this year before sending Taylor off to middle school. Boo hoo!

Allison is thrilled (and so am I) to have Mrs. Falciano for 2nd grade. She has had a tough time pronouncing her name tonight, but I'm sure that won't take long! We have heard wonderful things about her from families who have had her in previous years and we feel very lucky to have Allison in her class. It is a big jump from 1st to 2nd grade and I can't wait to see her blossom this year. I think Mrs. Falciano will be the perfect fit!

School supplies are purchased, new shoes are in the closet, the girls have fresh haircuts and I think we are ready for the school year to begin. Monday is the big day!