Saturday, December 10, 2016

White Elephant Party

It's time again for the Annual White Elephant Party!  It feels like I spend half the year looking for the perfect gifts and there were some good ones this year!
We were sad Charlie and Tyan couldn't make it, but the rest of the crew returned.  We had a nice Asian potluck dinner (always love Leslie's pancit and lumpia!).
 I couldn't keep track of the order in which these were picked, but here were some of the fun gifts...toilet paper and Poopouri Spray!
 Inflatable reindeer antler ring toss
 We purchased this plunger headband this summer in Portland.  Hank was very proud to take it home!
Luke sporting the fake man bun
Darian made this hilarious calendar.  Each month had a different Trump picture and some sort of food item that best resembled the picture.  She is always so creative!
Taylor loved these flamingo slippers, but they were stolen!
Lauren was thrilled with her "You probably touched your genitals" hand sanitizer...NOT!
Jenna wore her new Buttocks all night!
I think the winner went to our face coasters!  They seemed to get the most laughs.  They are cardboard coasters with a cut-out to fit on your nose.  So funny!
We ate chocolate cake, cheesecake and a plate of Christmas cookies before clearing the table for a game of Spoons.

This year they played with candy canes instead.
Cheers to another fun white elephant!