Monday, December 12, 2016

It's Official!

This keeper of ours made the paper everyday last week for her efforts on the Varsity team!  It has been so nice having the coaches praise Allison and help build her confidence.  She was asked to play Varsity in all 4 games last week and did an excellent job!
Today, they made it official and asked her to join the Varsity team permanently! Coach Lanie (JV Coach) announced it in front of the JV team and then Coach B and Coach K shared the news with the Varsity team.  The support has been wonderful and I'm anxious to see her shine.  She traded in her JV jersey and picked up this Varsity one today at school.  She came home to donuts and a balloon bouquet.  Way to go Allison!
And to top it all off...this was her fortune tonight!