Thursday, March 12, 2015


 After months of discussion, 3 weeks of tryouts and a few more weeks of dual practices, Allison has decided to join a new soccer club, Arsenal FC.  She loved her goalkeeper spot with Hawks and all of the girls that she played with, but after a very rough season, it was obvious that her team would be splitting up. She is excited about her new coach Heidi, the level of play expected from this team and her opportunity to get some new goalkeeper training.  Tonight was the official player signing at the Embassy Suites hotel.
Prior to tonight's signing, we were told that Allison would be the back up keeper and would take a while to earn some play time on the field.  However, we learned at the signing that the previous keeper joined a new club and Allison is the only keeper (for now).  We aren't sure how it will all play out, but Allison is eager to learn and work hard to earn a spot on the field.
She is happy to be reunited with Hannah, Olivia, Isabella and Aubree from her U12 season and is thrilled that Reanna, Saige and Emily also made the move with her this season.  We have our fingers crossed that we made the right decision and this year will be a positive experience!