Friday, June 21, 2013

Not A Kid Anymore

One of the parents had the grand idea to have a kids vs. parents scrimmage tonight.  My soccer days are long over, but it was fun to get out there again and battle against the girls.  Although, they sure whooped up on us!
 Coach Charlie in his hamburger/fries shirt and soccer hat.
Of course, I was up against Allison to start!
She breezed right past me...I guess my reaction time isn't as good as it used to be.
I did get a break away or two, but the kids beat us 5-2.  Even worse, our only two goals came thanks to Taylor playing with the parents!

We all finished in one piece, although Dan M. re-injured his knee.  We don't ever seem to learn!
Luckily, we all brought dessert for an after-the-game treat.  Thank you to the girls for going easy on us!