Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cal Coast Jam 3v3

The 3v3 Cal Coast Jam is a fun break from the regular soccer schedule.  The girls play in small teams and play 3 on the field at a time.  However, it was tough to call anything fun today. It was over 100 degrees for most of the day and I know for sure it at least reached 106...tough conditions for the parents in the shade.  I can't imagine how hot it was for the girls on the field! 
 These two were matching from head to toe and luckily were picked to be on the same team!
 Allison was on the Kick'n Cuties with Zoey, Jennifer, Reanna and Isabella.  
They won their first game against the Crazy Kickers and were quickly back in the shade.
A big thank you to Dan for coaching them today!

 Allison scored 3 goals and played well under these crazy conditions.
 There aren't keepers allowed in this set up so she got to play on the field the entire game!
 A lot of time was spent resting in the shade with wet washcloths on their necks, ice cubes in their mouths and very little movement.  I don't think I have ever been so hot!  Leslie and I only whined A LOT!
The girls played 4 games in all...winning the first and losing 3.  They had to face the other half of our team (Little Rascals) in the consolation game, but they were all such good sports about it.  Honestly, we were all just ready to pack up and get the heck out of there!  We all joked that maybe next year, they should host it in Palm Springs...