Monday, July 2, 2012

Fun at the Fair

One of the perks of Matt working OT at the SD County Fair is we usually end up with a few free tickets.  Unfortunately, we couldn't find a day for all of us to go together before it ends on the 4th, so I took the girls this afternoon for a few hours after I worked.
This year's theme is Out Of This World.
 We made all of our traditional stops.  Allison loves grocery shopping at the Albertsons mini store.
 We always visit all of the livestock displays.
 This time, we even spotted Megan, a friend from Allison's soccer team.  She is in 4-H and shows her goats and pigs each year at the fair.  Last week, she sold her pig, Oreo, for $8 per pound.  We were sad to learn she will go to slaughter on sad, but I guess that's how it works.
 A trip to the fair isn't complete without yummy fair food.  We spotted the Krispy Kreme Chicken Sandwich, the chocolate dipped pickle and the deep fried Klondike bar, but played it safe with our favorites.  I love the fresh-dipped drumstick ice cream and Taylor got chocolate soft serve in a waffle cone.
 Allison remembered how tasty the funnel cake was last year so chose it again this time.  It was the best one yet!
 We also loved spotting Karlee, the girls' old babysitter, and her friend Katie.  The all had fun riding one of the fast spinning rides together!
 We ended the night in the Out Of This World interactive area.  The girls practiced their balancing skills, learned all about the men that have walked on the moon and were saddened to read about the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle tragedies.
We all left with tired feet and full bellies, but were thrilled that we got the chance to go before the fair leaves town.