Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day...A True Test in Patience

After all of the preparation last night to get things ready for Santa, the kids came downstairs to all kinds of goodies spread out for them.Allison loves that Santa is nice enough to take their stockings off of the fireplace and lay them next to their pile of goodies. Matt had already left for work, but there was no way to keep the girls from taking a peek at the stuff Santa left.
Allison was thrilled to get the Our Generation Jeep and Salon Chair that were on her list! Santa also brought a donut maker, cooking utensils and a stocking full of gift cards, panties, candy and soccer socks.
Taylor loved her new Hawks soccer bag and Just Dance 3 that she asked for. She can't wait to make pizzas on her new pizza stone and she got a stocking filled to the rim with much of the same that Santa brought Allison. She will have fun with her facial masks and pedicure stuff too!
After making pancakes and visiting with Chip and Teresa, we made a big cookie platter and met Matt down at the Sheriff's Station. It was tough on the girls to not be able to have a traditional day... staying in our jammies, opening gifts and spending the day playing with all of our new presents. However, they were very patient and understanding and we made the best of the situation. I think this is the only Christmas that Matt has had to work since the girls were born, so not much to complain about!
The girls had fun touring the station, although Taylor was scared to death when Matt locked her in a Holding Cell. Hopefully that is the first and last time she will ever be in one!
Allison made herself right at home in the Sergeant's Office. She got a snack out of the vending machine and a drink out of the fridge and got comfortable!
We came back home in time to put the turkey in and watch A Christmas Story before Matt came home. As soon as he walked in the door, we ate our traditional turkey dinner and it was delicious. By 6:45, the kids couldn't wait another second and we finally sat down to open presents! They had been so patient listening to their friends call and FaceTime to discuss all that they had received, but we felt it was important to wait for all of us to be together.
Matt was surprised to open a new Keurig coffee machine.
Taylor loved all of her clothes, gift cards, new hair wand and makeup.
Allison was all about American Girl this year and loved her new outfits and wardrobe case to store everything.
It may not have been a traditional Christmas Day, but we are grateful for all that we have been blessed with!