Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Twilight Trilogy

With Chipotle burritos and enough candy to feed an army stashed in our purses, we made our way to the back of the already growing line at 4:00pm.

We were given wristband #'s 287-292 and waited for about 2 hours with the rest of the Twilight groupies for an evening with Edward, Jacob and Bella.

We were in line to see the Triple Feature of Twilight @ 6:30, New Moon @ 9:00 and Eclipse @ 12:01. Our line wrapped around the theater next to Lucilles. The group in front of the theater had been camping out most of the day for just the midnight showing of Eclipse and still had several hours to wait as we entered the theater at 6:00.

They were certainly prepared with beach umbrellas, beach chairs, games and plenty of snacks to pass the time.

As we herded like cattle to the front of the line, Wendy suggested splitting into 2 groups to race into the theaters looking for the best seats. The idea paid off as Chessa, Amanda and Teri found us seats on an aisle close to the top. Our hearts were racing as we tried to secure seats, but once seated we inhaled our burritos and waited for the lights to dim.

I have only seen the movies in the theater, unlike some of the ladies who I think watch it daily :), so I was happy to get a recap watching the first two. I did sneek in a quick nap during New Moon and was refreshed for the newest installment, Eclipse. It was even better than I expected... suspenseful, intense, romantic and 100% entertaining. I was in bed at 2:50am and think there is a long day ahead of me. Now the countdown begins for Breaking Dawn, November 2011...