Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Staff vs. 5th Grade Softball Game

The end of the year festivities continued with today's Staff vs. 5th grade softball game. It has become a school tradition. Each class is assigned an inning to each get an "at bat" and time on the field. All of the the other grade levels sat in the outfield to cheer the players on and a DJ acted as announcer and DJ. In between innings, everyone enjoyed the Electric Slide, Chicken Dance and fun songs to sing along to. Taylor waiting for her class to be up to bat.

Allison froze in the outfield until the June Gloom burned off.

Mr. McTasney with Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Molstre (love the socks!)

Mrs. Falciano playing outfield

Mrs. Atkinson was pretty busy as the 2nd baseman

Taylor is up next...

She got a beautiful hit and made it safely to 1st base!

Mrs. Atkinson trying to push her off 2nd base :)

Time for the field

Shelby, Courtney, Demi and Taylor enjoy snowcones after their inning

Taylor, Cassidy, Hannah, Jaden and Shelby

Final Score: 5th Grade-24 Staff-9
Great job Students!