Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Carnival

After months of planning and organizing, our Spring Carnival was a huge success!! The weather was perfect, maybe a little hot, but no rain or wind. The students and their families had so many options for fun. We had great games, a rock climbing wall, inflatable obstacle course and a train. They had their choice of hot dogs, nachos, pizza, popcorn, and cotton candy to munch on and I think the snow cone booth had a line the entire day!!

At 2:30, we announced the winners of our silent auction and raffle baskets. Thousands of dollars were raised on this alone because of the great donations we received and our generous parents. And although it was a pretty stressful few weeks of prep and a very long day, the hard work paid off. The kids had a blast and PTA raised a lot of money to help with future programs. Nachos anyone?

Taylor joined the Lynch kids on the train.

Allison got her hair dyed and played just about every game.

Allison's class had the tattoo booth.

Felicia was one of our many community service volunteers. She did a great job working the Lollipop tree booth.

Cooper, Zoe and Jax with a little color spray.

Wendy and Brooke worked their tails off today, along with the rest of our great board.
Not only did we have the carnival, Chessa did a wonderful job putting together a Vendor Fair to coincide with the carnival. It was a great event for our school and hopefully will bring business to our community businesses.
Our talented 2009/2010 PTA Board.