Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring

The weather forecasters are calling it the "Storm of the Decade". We were skeptical about their predictions, but decided to listen to the warnings and postpone our Big Bear trip. Although the snow would have been beautiful, skiing would have been tough with poor visibility and the drive home would have been a nightmare. We have had consistent rain over the last few days, but today has been brutal! The rain has been pouring down for several hours now and the pool is filling quickly. The kids are on rainy day schedule at school and have spent our soccer-free afternoons playing the Wii, board games and catching up on stuff around the house. The rain is definitely needed and nice as long as we don't have anywhere to go. Unfortunately, it has been a tough week for those in the LA burn areas who are being evacuated due to mudslides and flash flood warnings. Yikes! The rain is predicted to continue for another few days so more of the same. Can't wait to get to the mountains next weekend to see all of the snow...