Saturday, May 30, 2009

Surprise! Surprise!

Well, we pulled it off! Wendy delivered Parker on April 9th and that was when the planning began. After several emails and phone calls to David, booking a flight and working the logistics out on this end (thank you Matt, Wendy, Kate and Leanne), I flew out to Cincinnati last Sunday.
I called Wendy and David's house on the way from the airport just to give David a heads up that I would be there in 10 minutes. Unfortunately Wendy answered, said David was on the drive home from the Indy 500 and she was hoping he would be home soon because she was starving. I called David's cell, found out he was 10 minutes behind me and then stopped to pick up dinner at Chipotle while he passed by.
I watched him enter the house before I pulled up the driveway and then came in through the open garage door. Wendy was sitting on the couch and was startled by the sound of the garage door. As I came around the corner, I said "I heard you were hungry for Chipotle". She stood straight up and said "What the hell?" It took quite a bit of time for her to process, but she was overjoyed. Nolan came running up to me, screaming the whole way. Parker slept quietly in the swing while I explained how we pulled off the surprise. Although we are seeing them in San Francisco in just a few weeks, I wanted to see itty bitty Parker and be a help to Wendy and David.
Parker relaxes in the bouncy seat.
Nolan thinks this Bumbo seat is more suited for him.

A little tummy time for Parker.

I was craving cuddle time.
It was nice to just help fold laundry, do dishes, make dinner, change a diaper or two and be an extra set of hands at Target, Kohls and the grocery store. I also got plenty of cuddle time with Parker and playtime with Nolan. I think we read Cars books about 100 times! We even ventured to the zoo for a rainy morning of animal viewing. Nolan is at the stage where he repeats everything you say and is learning all of the animal sounds, so it was fun to see it through his eyes.

Rainy day at the zoo. Not the best picture of any of us, but documents that we were there!

Although Wendy and I talk quite frequently on the phone, it was nice to chat and get caught up on all the happenings in our lives. We were also able to get out for a short afternoon of shopping-just the two of us and David "treated" us to pedicures on the night before I left. It was fun girly time!

Cheers to a great friendship and blessed families.

Although it was an emotional goodbye, it was made much easier because we will seem them all again so soon. It will be nice to have both families all together for that visit. Taylor and Allison can't wait to meet little Parker and fight over being in charge of Nolan. They are dear friends and it was a wonderful visit!