Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where Is My Christmas Spirit?

After a week in Hawaii, it was tough getting in the Christmas spirit. The shopping, decorating, baking, Christmas cards, etc can be so overwhelming. I spent the week making lists of things that needed to be done and actually accomplished quite a bit this week. Shopping is done, gifts are wrapped, cards are filled and addressed and baking supplies are purchased. Today, Matt pulled the tree out of the attic and we checked decorating off the list. Over the years, we have gotten quite a bit of grief for having a fake tree, but it was the best decision. No tree lots, no fitting the tree in the stand, no needles or sap and no worries of the tree dying before Christmas. This is Taylor's favorite part. She sorted all the ornaments, making sure each had a hook.
Allison helped decorate the lower half of the tree.

The finished product is always a sight to see and it has finally put me in the Christmas spirit. The baking is all that is left and is actually the job I enjoy the most. The next few weeks will be very festive with Chorus performances, holiday open houses, Christmas light viewing and church services. Let the countdown begin!