Sunday, August 9, 2020

Lawrence, KS/Senior House

The last stop on our 10-day road trip was to Lawrence, KS to visit Taylor and help her get moved into her last KU house.  I can't believe it is senior year already!  We had a few nice dinners with her and Andrew and got to see some of her other friends as well.
This is her new senior house...shared with 8 other girls.  It is super cute with a nice front porch
and a great garage with lots of storage and parking in the back.
She is sharing a room with Hallie and they were able to make great use of their space!
Taylor's closet
Their shared bathroom
One of the 2 kitchens shared with the 4 other girls that live downstairs.  I think this year will be quite social despite the COVID situation.  With 9 girls in 1 house, there will always be someone to hang out with and help make this senior year a special one!
The ride to the airport and flight back to California were pretty emotional for Matt and me.  On one hand we are so proud of the independent young ladies we have raised and excited for our new chapter as "empty nesters", but something just didn't feel right leaving them both in Kansas.  It will be a time of adjustment, but I think everyone is where they are supposed to be and have worked so hard to get there!