Friday, August 9, 2019

There's No Place Like Home (Away from Home)

We arrived at Taylor's adorable house just in time for the IKEA delivery on Tuesday.  Unfortunately, all doors were locked and we were stuck on the porch with all of the boxes, blazing heat, hungry bellies and grumpy attitudes.
 After a few hours at the hotel, the landlord was able to have maintenance unlock the door and we were back in business.  A story we can laugh at now, but that was a rough start!
When we were let in, we were so excited to see all of the cute stuff her roommates had already moved in...newly upholstered couches,
 their very own bar with personalized cups printed with their address
 and coffee mugs with each girls' initials!
 After a few days of assembling furniture and lots of shopping trips, Taylor's room was complete!

 She loves having two closets, a ceiling fan, her own desk and just space to call her own.

Large kitchen with tons of storage
 Really pretty staircase and entry
Multiple entrances, a cute patio, parking for each of the 5 girls and a quick walk to town and campus. Enjoy it Taylor!!