Sunday, April 28, 2019


Allison looked so pretty in red! A big thank you to Jenna for helping with hair and makeup!
The big group of friends couldn't make any concrete plans, so these three made their own plan and all looked stunning!

They met for pictures at Temecula Creek Inn along the golf course. 
 Their sweet friend Nate put on his stepdad's tux and took some pictures with them, even though he wasn't going to the dance.
Then the 3 girls drove down to dinner at Wood Ranch Grill in SD and then took and Uber to and from the dance at the Air and Space Museum in Balboa Park.  They loved the venue and thought it was really cool to stand on the balcony while planes landing in SD flew overhead.  They also loved the silent DJ and the churros!  So glad they had a great night!