Sunday, January 6, 2019

White Elephant

 A night full of laughs at the annual White Elephant Party hosted by the Schreck's.
Darian dared to open the largest box (bigger than her) only to find this tiny ceramic turtle wrapped in bubble wrap!
 Zoey opened the Trump toilet brush, but it was quickly stolen by the Joyce's.
 The kids had fun playing Reanna's pimple popping game!
 Nice apron Dan!
 The Santa suit and slippers were a hit!
Maylie sporting my $8 find at Marshalls...size 19 Nike football cleats!
I opened the chicken hat from Poppy, but Allison had fun wearing it most of the night!
Not sure Taylor should wear her new scarf around campus, but it sure was funny!  I love how creative everyone gets.  Time to start looking for next year's gifts...