Sunday, January 29, 2017

Bridge Walk

 It was too pretty of a day to be stuck inside doing laundry and chores, so I texted these ladies who always seem up for an adventure!  We decided on the 7 Bridge Walk in San Diego.
We walked through Balboa Park,
and walked across bridges in Banker's Hill,
 (Trestle Bridge)
 (Suspension Bridge)
 though downtown Hillcrest
 and University Heights before 
finishing back up off of Park Blvd and the zoo.  It was warm and we worked up quite an appetite after 5 1/2 miles.  The neighborhoods were so cute and the bridges each so different!
We tried to eat breakfast at Snooz, but it had an hour and a half wait.  No thanks!  Chocolat was the perfect consolation choice...bacon, eggs, potatoes and toast with gelato for dessert!  
Perfect Sunday!