Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

As usual, soccer interfered with Father's Day this year. The best gift we could give to Matt was not making him sit in 109 degrees for Allison's game!  We had planned to take him to breakfast before leaving for Riverside, but when I woke up at 6:00am, I saw that our front yard was flooded!  I woke Matt up and he found the leak in the water main.  2 trips to Home Depot and 3 hours later, the plumbing was fixed but no time to go out to breakfast.  Go figure!  I improvised and whipped up pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruit at home before leaving.
Taylor took him to Temecula Pizza Co. for lunch and then we all hung out at home to watch the Warrior's game and beat the heat.  He loved his new belt and wallet from Allison, GOHS baseball hat from Taylor and 1/2 day deep sea fishing trip from all of us.  Happy Father's Day Matt!  We love you and thank you for all you do for us!