Thursday, March 24, 2016

College Road Trip Day #3

After spending the night in Capitola (too bad we didn't have time to see the town or the beach!), we were up early for a quick drive through UC Santa Cruz before driving home.

 This is one of the most unique campuses we have toured.  It sits high up on a hill overlooking the ocean, but feels like you are in a mountain ski village as you drive around.  It's like a forest on the water!

 We had quite a few laughs as Lauren started calling this wild turkey we spotted on campus.  He quickly ran towards the car, started circling and pecking at the car and would have probably jumped in if given the chance!

It was a cold morning and Lauren was the only one willing to get out for a picture.  We loved these cool bridges that we saw around campus, but didn't really see much else.  None of the girls seemed interested enough to investigate further.  It was a long 8 hour car ride home, but a successful few days!  I can't believe these girls will be starting the application process in just a few short months :(