Sunday, December 21, 2014

Coronado Holiday Cup

 After getting postponed by rain last weekend, the Coronado Holiday Cup tournament took place this weekend in gorgeous Coronado.  The weather was much better and our views were picture perfect!

 We had early games both mornings, but it was tough to complain with this sunrise view as the team warmed up.  Unfortunately, the Hawks girls didn't have the best results…a 4-1 loss to Coronado, a 4-0 loss to Carlsbad and a 0-0 tie to the Hotspurs this morning.  
 We made the most of it though and had a fun day by the water after the tournament.  We had a delicious brunch at Wonderland Ocean Pub in Ocean Beach with Coach and all of these girls.

 Then we walked along the pier to check out the big surf.
 Not bad for a winter December day!

We finished the day with a little shopping at Brandy Melville and treats at The Baked Bear!