Monday, December 16, 2013

So Over School Projects

I hate school projects (except the ones completed in class)!  It always seems the parents end up doing most of the work or have to spend a fortune on supplies.  Allison had two due within a week after returning from Thanksgiving Break.
 Luckily, she had all of the research done for her Social Studies project prior to vacation and she picked a relatively painless exhibit.  Her class was learning about Ancient Egypt.  She had to do a 3-5 minute presentation and a travel brochure on Thebes.
 She documented Thebes' location, monuments, how it originated and used several maps and pictures to display.  I only had to help fold the card stock and mount the papers.  She gave a great in-class presentation (forgot to take a picture) and it was interesting to tour the classroom and look at all of the other displays.  One project down!
 I was really kicking myself about this project.  Taylor had the same one for the same Science teacher when she was in 6th grade.  Why didn't we just keep it??  Ugh! After spending another $20 on a styrofoam ball, paints and supplies for Matt to build a stand, we recreated Taylor's model.  Allison drew the 4 layers of the Earth's crust,
pinned on the continents and displayed several of the plates and their movement.  She actually got 200 out of 150!!  Now I'm just hoping thats the end of projects for a while.