Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hawks vs. Legends

 Switching to Legends at the beginning of the year has been a blessing for Taylor in so many ways, but she truly misses some of her closest friends that still play for Hawks.  She has anxiously and hesitantly awaited their league matchup for the last few weeks!
 She spent the morning with her great friend Jenna.  She has been so supportive of Taylor's decision and very understanding.  
 Tim and Stacy brought the girls to the field because Matt was working and I was in Chino Hills for Allison's game.  Matt and I got there just in time for the game to start and we could quickly see the nerves were consuming Taylor.  I'm not sure what had her so worried, but I know it stirred up a lot of emotion.
It was a pretty good battle, but Hawks came out on top with a 2-0 victory.  Her old buddies were so good to her after the game
and she loved the support from Lauren and Reanna.  I know she is happy to have that game behind her and is looking forward to a successful season with her new team!!