Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy 11th Allison!!

 Happy 11th Birthday to my blue-eyed, baby girl!
 You are beautiful, creative, smart, athletic and oh so funny!
 I love your outgoing personality, sense of responsibility and your willingness to help others.
 You love your family, friends, playing soccer, going to the beach, playing games on your iTouch, performing on stage and eating junk food.
 You have a great sense of adventure, you are the most observant kid I know and you wear your heart on your sleeve.
 You certainly have your own sense of style and your own idea of what a clean room looks like, but you seem to know where everything is!
 You dream of being a Canine Officer when you grow up and I'm confident you will achieve any goal you set.  You bring a smile to my face everyday and I love our morning cuddles.  I am so proud to be your Mom and I can't wait to see what Year 11 has in store for you.
Happy Birthday Allison!! I love you!