Saturday, March 2, 2013

Winter Beach Day

When we saw that the beach would be close to 80 degrees today, I knew it was the place to be.  Leslie and I took the girls to Oceanside to hang out at Surfrider Beach and it was perfect!
 Allison sporting her new hat and suit we just got for Hawaii.
 These two didn't spend much time in the water, although they were quite brave to even attempt it.  They dug holes, searched for shells and rocks, listened to music and played 2v2 soccer with the big girls.
 Taylor and Lauren worked on their tans, did a photo shoot, listened to music
and took a nice walk on the pier to watch the surfers.  Leslie and I barely moved from our chairs which made the day even more perfect!
On the way home, we stopped at the Harbor to do a little shopping and walk around.  I know this weather isn't supposed to last through the weekend, but it sure has us ready for Hawaii in a few weeks and even more excited for summer!