Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet Your Chiropractor

After the 4-day Surf Camp, Allison's back seizing up twice, a trip to the Urgent Care and two trips to the doctor's office, we know find ourselves at the chiropractor.  I was hesitant at first, but just want relief for this poor girl.  Dr. Hjelmstad looked at Allison's x-ray and examined her to determine she is likely suffering from Facet Syndrome.  She has a lot of inflammation on the knuckles of each vertebrae and has lots of muscle pain because of it.  We will see him for the next few weeks, work on stretching and icing at home and hopefully get her to a point where proper maintenance will keep her comfortable.  I'm sick of seeing my 10 year old walk around more like an 80 year old so sure hope this works!!