Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Double-Digit Birthday Girl

Happy 10th Birthday to my sweet Allison!  How can you be double-digits already?

You are so creative, funny, smart, athletic and confident!  You made Honor Roll at school, played All-Stars for soccer and we can't wait to watch you on your new Hawks team.

You let me sleep with your "Mimi" when you go to a sleepover, you give great foot massages and love to put on your apron and help me in the kitchen.

You want to be a Canine Officer and you love hearing all of Dad's work stories.  You love your special trips to 7-11 for slurpees after you have helped him at Home Depot.  

You love playing with your American Girl Dolls, love watching Dance Moms and any wedding or cooking show, and hate to read.  Your messy room drives me crazy, but you feel at home in there.  

 We love you for all of these things and more and are so blessed to have you!!  Happy Birthday!!