Thursday, March 15, 2012

Let the Demo Begin...

The day has finally arrived to begin our downstairs demolition. Back in November, we noticed some tiles lifting at the base of the stairs. One thing led to another, contractor after contractor confirmed we had a mold issue and the research began. We had no luck with the builder and no luck with our homeowner's insurance so we were officially on our own.
There was no way to just remove a small section, as the mold would likely spread throughout the tile areas.
Last night, we moved all of the furniture into the garage and onto the living room carpet in preparation for the mold removal.

Today, 4 guys with 3 vans and lots of equipment arrived to begin the tear out and clean up.
Negative pressure vents were set up to send the dust outside.
All of the cabinets and pantry shelves were sealed.
The upstairs was sealed off too which meant we had to access the upstairs through our bedroom window and a ladder. Rather than do that, the girls and I spent the night with friends and Matt stayed here with the dog. We feel a little bit displaced and life feels beyond chaotic, but we are excited to see the end result. We will allow the floor to dry and begin the new tile install in another week. For now, it will be paper plates and lots of meals in the crock pot or from our local restaurants...