Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shark Teeth

Even though Taylor has already had braces, her teeth took a turn for the worse when all of her top molars started coming in, but the baby molars wouldn't fall out. It looked like she had shark teeth coming out her gums! For about six months, the orthodontist has been telling her she needs to get the baby teeth out so they can put braces back on, but after a valiant effort, it wasn't to be. Today was the dreaded day to get the 4 molars extracted. I had processed over and over in my head how I would be able to be in the room with her, but came to the conclusion, I would probably do more harm than good. I seem to remember passing out in the recovery room after Allison's surgery (embarrassing!). So Matt left work early, met us at the dentist office and went back with Taylor while Allison and I drove to the store to get ice cream for later.

She was pretty nervous...asking about Novacaine, how much blood she would taste, etc. but she put on her iTunes and did great!

They were home in less than a half hour with lots of gauze and four teeth in a box. There were no roots left on any of the teeth, so I think that helped it go so smooth. Within the hour, the bleeding had stopped, she was eating ice cream and even went to the movies this afternoon. She will likely get the braces on in the next few months and is well on her way to having her beautiful smile back!!