Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We all love our Christmas Eve traditions of photos by the tree...

... church service at 4:30, family dinner, looking at Christmas lights, opening one present and then making all of the preparations for Santa's arrival. Allison was glued to NORAD, tracking Santa's path from Auckland, New Zealand to the United States. She was eager to get to bed when we last saw him in Tennessee, but the girls got everything ready for his arrival first.
Allison put out the Santa Key...
They both put out cookies and milk...
and spread out reindeer food all over the lawn. They were asleep by 9:30 and Santa arrived soon after. For the 3rd year in a row, Allison was so excited to get a call from Santa. Although this year, he coincidentally called during a crying fit. The crying stopped immediately, since Santa assured her he was watching her closely!