Friday, July 9, 2010

La Jolla Cove

I feel for the poor people who paid for a sun-filled vacation to San Diego in July. It is not working out so well for them, but lucky for us, we wore sweatshirts and jeans and walked around La Jolla before Allison's doctor's appt. today. We never saw the sun, but had plenty of fun eating our picnic lunch along the cliffs and watching all of the seals frolick in the water.

This great beach has turned more into a seal beach than a human beach. It is not off limits to humans, but there are signs posted all over politely asking visitors to respect the wildlife.

Unfortunately, the first seal we saw didn't look so good. He was hidden in a corner, was quite pale and skinny and looked very lethargic. We found a lifeguard and asked for help, but he merely replied that it was nature taking its course. So sad!

The gorgeous, yet overcast view from the breakwall.

Luckily, we saw lots of happy seals relaxing on the rocks. We loved the sweet face on this light-colored one. Many swam around, chasing each other and working hard to fight for a spot on the rocks for a nap.

After our walk, we ate lunch and the kids had fun climbing this cool tree. We also walked down to the Children's Pool and the girls can't wait to return for a day of snorkeling when the weather improves.