Thursday, November 20, 2008

Great Job Girls!

Both girls were honored at Flag Salute this morning. It is so nice that the school recognizes the kids for all of their different achievements- Trailblazer of the Month, passing grade level words, birthdays, Young Authors, etc. Today was a special celebration for all of the 1st trimester awards.
Allison was called up for having perfect attendance in the 1st trimester. She went to school everyday and was never sent home sick or picked up early. Way to go Allison! Poor Taylor will never get that award since Orthodontist appts are always in the middle of a school day. Bummer!
Taylor finished the 1st trimester with top honors. She was recognized for making Honor Roll and then called out again for getting all "5"s on her report card. Gone are the days of letter grades, but a "5" means 92% or higher and she got a "5" in every area.
She is such a hard worker with a lot of self motivation and dedication to her schoolwork. Way to go Taylor. We couldn't be prouder!